COURSE|4+ years|Level: 1
Learn programming from first principles using both a board game and digital activities.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: Variables, Assignments, Functions, Conditions, Loops, Physical
PUZZLES|4 - 9 years|Level: 1
Write programs to draw.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: Functions, Function calls, Read, Write, Debug
GAME: PHYSICAL|4+ years|Level: 1
Board Game to learn Programming Fundamentals.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: Variables, Assignments, Functions, Loops, Physical
PAGE|4+ years|Level: 1
Decomposition is breaking down a problem into smaller problems to make execution easier. A function is a block of code that contains a series of instructions to perform a task, such as draw a circle. When a function call is made, the program performs the task.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: Functions, Function calls
PAGE|4+ years|Level: 1
Students will understand the basic structure of a program, how to conceptualize it, how to write the code, and finally, how to execute it.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: Functions, Function calls, Parameters, Arguments, Programs
PAGE|4+ years|Level: 1
Explore the fundamental concepts of variables and assignment blocks in programming, starting from First Principles. Learn what variables are, how to assign values to them, and how to print variable values. Perfect for beginners and young coders looking to build a strong foundation in programming!
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: Assignments, Variables
PAGE|4+ years|Level: 1
By playing this activity, students will:
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: Relational operators, Conditions
PAGE|4+ years|Level: 1
Using programming blocks, playing this game children will learn how to use conditions to call different drawing functions. By playing this game, children will:
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: Relational operators, Conditions
WEBAPP / GAME|4+ years|Level: 1
Improve intuition for software interfaces and encourages curiosity. When you click a button, you see an instant effect on the canvas, helping young learners quickly understand 'the functions hidden behind the buttons' concept. In 1989 Kid Pix 1.0 was released into the public domain and this is an HTML/JS reimplementation by Vikrum.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: Games, Game, Drawing, Kidpix, Functions
WEBAPP|4+ years|Level: 1
Codidactic digital content available without Internet connection.
COURSE|5+ years|Level: 1
Introduce your students to fundamentals of algebra through programming using a board game with blocks and code.
ALGEBRA|TAGS: Variables, Assignments
WEBAPP|5+ years|Level: 1
Drag and drop the drum function calls and program your drum machine.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: Functions, Function calls, Webapp
WEBAPP|4 - 7 years|Level: 2
Introduce your students to fundamentals of algebra.
ALGEBRA|TAGS: Equations, Variables, Assignments, Digital
WEBAPP|5 - 7 years|Level: 2
Introduce your students to fundamentals of algebra.
ALGEBRA|TAGS: Equations, Variables, Assignments, Digital
PAGE|5+ years|Level: 2
Banana Loop is a fun and engaging coding game designed for humans aged 5 and up. In just 15 minutes, children and adults can learn the basics of loops in programming through interactive play. The player will:
PRINTABLE|5+ years|Level: 2
Learn to define a matrix by creating a video game map. Practice with these printable and coding exercises.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: Variables, Data structures, Matrices, Matrix
PRINTABLE|5+ years|Level: 2
Story Typing uses storytelling activities like image descriptions, dialogues, and narratives to develop typing skills, creativity, and logical thinking, preparing students for coding and digital tasks.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: Typing, Keyboard, Narrative, Scripts, Scripting, Video game
WEBAPP|5+ years|Level: 2
The app teaches typing by having learners type words shown with a picture and pronounced aloud. It enhances typing speed, spelling, word recognition, and memory, building foundational skills for coding and digital tasks.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: Typing, Keyboard, App
PAGE|6+ years|Level: 2
Interactive coding activity introducing variable operations through both block and text-based programming. The player will: set a variable, modify a variable and operate with variables using blocks and also programming using text on a computer.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: Assignments, Variables, Operations
PAGE|6+ years|Level: 2
Draw compositions of compound figures using the least possible code thanks to functions.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: Functions, Function calls
WEBAPP|6+ years|Level: 2
Use a tileset, a matrix and a renderer to create a video game map.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: Variables, Data structures, Matrices, Matrix, Video game, Video games
PAGE|7+ years|Level: 2
Create your own video game map and tileset using Tiled.
PUZZLES|7 - 12 years|Level: 2
Read, write and debug programs using and operating with variables.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: Assignments, Variables, Read, Write, Debug
PUZZLES|7 - 12 years|Level: 2
Read, write and debug programs with conditional logic.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: Relational operators, Conditions, Read, Write, Debug
INSTRUCTIONS|7+ years|Level: 2
A condition is a block that evaluates an expression as true or false, executing one block or another depending on the result of this evaluation. In this activity the students create a program that asks a yes-or-no question about an animal's ability, and print the correct animal based on the answer.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: Relational operators, Conditions
PRINTABLE|7+ years|Level: 2
Printable templates. Design tiles, maps, sprites and animations for 2D games on paper with these different grid paper templates. 8x8 pixels , 16x16 pixels and 32x32 pixels.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: Video games, Video game, Drawing, Pixel, Pixel art, Sprites, Tiles, Printable
WEBAPP|8+ years|Level: 2
Design sprites, tiles, and animations for 2D games. Selected pixel art and animation editor.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: Video games, Video game, Drawing, Pixel, Pixel art, Sprites, Tiles
PAGE|5+ years|Level: 3
Educational Sketch'n Guess Coding Game designed to teach and learn conditions in programming (such as 'if-then' statements), in a fun and interactive manner. By playing this game, players will:
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: Relational operators, Conditions
PUZZLES|6 - 12 years|Level: 3
Read, write and debug programs with loops.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: Loops, Read, Write, Debug
COURSE|8+ years|Level: 3
Learn how to write and use functions with parameters.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: Variables, Assignments
PAGE|8+ years|Level: 3
Game to learn how to call functions with parameters. A player draws a a drawing on the screen (whiteboard). The goal is for him/her to write a program that enables a second player to replicate the exact same drawing by reading the program.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: Functions, Function calls, Parameters, Arguments, Programs
WEBAPP|8+ years|Level: 3
Draw on a canvas using drawing functions with parameters.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: Functions, Function calls, Parameters, Arguments, Programs
INSTRUCTIONS|9+ years|Level: 3
A nested condition occurs when one condition is placed inside another. In this activity the students create a program that asks a yes-or-no question about an animal's ability, and depending on the answer asks another question. To finish the program should print the correct animal based on the answers to both questions.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: Relational operators, Conditions
PAGE|4+ years|Level: 4
Learn how to use keyboard inputs to control actions and movement in video games.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: Assignments, Variables, Keyboard, Conditions, Loops, Video games
COURSE|5+ years|Level: 4
Learn to design a game map, program character movements and combats.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: Variables, Assignments, Functions, Conditions, Loops, Physical, Keyboard, Video games, RPG
PAGE|8 - 11 years|Level: 4
Capture and log keyboard inputs and touchscreen devices' interactions using JavaScript to implement main character movement for our game. Manage DOM events for both PC and smartphones or tablets.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: Assignments, Variables, Keyboard, Loops, Video games
PAGE|10+ years|Level: 4
Learn how to create a canvas of the size of your map and draw a few tiles on it.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: Html, Video game, Video games