Multiple games, cut-out and drawable activities!
VIDEO | Min. Age: 4+ years | Level: 1 PICK OF THE WEEK
In this coding activity, children will write a program to animate a toy of their choice. They will create their own function calls, test their programs, and debug any error.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: functions, functions, function calls, read, write, debug,
COURSE | Min. Age: 4+ years | Level: 1
Learn programming from first principles using both a board game and digital activities.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: variables, assignments, functions, conditions, loops, physical,
COURSE | Min. Age: 5+ years | Level: 3
Learn to design a game map, program character movements and combats.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: variables, assignments, functions, conditions, loops, physical, keyboard, video games, RPG,
WEBAPP | Min. Age: 6+ years | Level: 2
Use a tileset, a matrix and a renderer to create a video game map.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: variables, data structures, matrices, matrix, video game, video games,
WEBAPP / GAME | Min. Age: 4+ years | Level: 1
Improve intuition for software interfaces and encourages curiosity. When you click a button, you see an instant effect on the canvas, helping young learners quickly understand 'the functions hidden behind the buttons' concept. In 1989 Kid Pix 1.0 was released into the public domain and this is an HTML/JS reimplementation by Vikrum.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: games, game, drawing, kidpix, functions,
WEBAPP | Min. Age: 8+ years | Level: 2
Draw on a canvas using drawing functions with parameters.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: functions, function calls, parameters, arguments, programs,
PAGE | Min. Age: 10+ years | Level: 2
Learn how to create a canvas of the size of your map and draw a few tiles on it.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: html, video game, video games,
PRINTABLE | Min. Age: 7+ years | Level: 2
Printable templates. Design tiles, maps, sprites and animations for 2D games on paper with these different grid paper templates. 8x8 pixels , 16x16 pixels and 32x32 pixels.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: video games, video game, drawing, pixel, pixel art, sprites, tiles, printable,
COURSE | Min. Age: 8+ years | Level: 1
Learn how to write and use functions with parameters.
PROGRAMMING|TAGS: variables, assignments,
Learn to code through PROBLEM-SOLVING, such as programming a VIDEO GAME.
Codidactic® effectively teaches how a program works.
Codidactic® is suitable for all ages but is born out of the need to address the challenge that some adults face when understanding the basic concepts of programming.
#coding #programming #javascript #education #boardgames #educationalgames