All covers of the Codidactic Coding and Robotics Workbook Series
All covers of the Codidactic Coding and Robotics Workbook Series
My First Code and Circuits Workbook cover - Level 1
I solve real-life problems using code and robotics Workbook cover - Level 2
Bits, games and robots Workbook cover - Level 3
Video games and automation Workbook cover - Level 4
My First Code and Circuits Workbook Contents
I solve real-life problems using code and robotics Workbook Contents
Bits, games and robots Workbook Contents Workbook contents
Video games and automation Workbook contents
My First Code and Circuits Workbook preview
I solve real-life problems using code and robotics preview
Bits, games and robots Workbook preview
Video games and automation Workbook preview
My First Code and Circuits workbook back cover

Codidactic Coding and Robotics Workbook Series - All - A solution for introducing coding and robotics to learners aged 5 to 9 +.

The Codidactic Workbook Series is a set of four workbooks featuring unplugged activities and digital content, designed to introduce young learners to coding and robotics.

Each workbook includes collaborative games, cut-out materials, and interactive problem-solving exercises.

Easy-to-follow activities and video tutorials simplify lesson delivery, even for educators with no prior coding experience.

With Codidactic Workbooks, learners will:

  • Be introduced to computers, coding, the internet and robotics.
  • Develop computational thinking skills, including decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, and algorithm design.
  • Learn programming fundamentals such as functions, variables, assignments, conditions, loops and matrices.
  • Read, write and debug code.
  • Build cardboard models such as a robotic gripper and a fruit diverter mechanism.
  • Design and build their own webpage.
  • Explore topics like memory and computer vision.
  • Be introduced to circuits and electronics with Arduino.
  • Use both block-based and text-based programming.
  • Learn through engaging games and real-life problem-solving activities.
  • Naturally integrate subjects like algebra and geometry.
  • Participate in activities including music, writing, and visual arts.

Format: A4.
Number of pages: 48pp., 64pp., 64pp. and 64 pp.
Content type: Unplugged activities + access to digital content.
Recommended age: For learners aged 5 and up.

Available languages: English, Spanish and French.

Are you interested in the workbooks? Contact us here.
